Baby, it’s cold outside and what you can do to help.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what I can do practically to help people right now. It is the coldest day we’ve seen yet this season, incredibly wet and honestly it would be easy for me to just think about just going home and cranking up my heater, get a nice hot cup of coffee and conveniently forget there are other people out there who don’t get that choice. If we open our eyes, we can all see there are people all around us that we can lend a hand to.
Homelessness across the US is reaching record highs, due to all the trauma the world has experienced the last two years. And as shelters deal with increased occupancy, it poses safety challenges to people seeking refuge. It all leads to an increase in people literally stuck out in the cold. I wanted to compile a list of way we can help.
First, you can find out the info for your local shelters. Put them all in a note on your phone or on a card you keep in your wallet so you can give the information to those who need it. If you can, start carrying enough cash or a voucher for a night in a hotel – is it a long term solution? No, but it can provide one night out of the elements and a warm bed.
Secondly, think of things you can do. It can be easy to get discouraged by the size of the problem and feel like you can’t make a difference, you can. Can you keep blankets in your car to give to someone you see who may need extra warmth? A sleeping bag? A coat? Scarves and gloves? Hand warmers? Get creative, look around your house – do you have extra you can spare? In some places people have tied winter weather items to light poles for those who may need them. I wouldn’t advise doing this in an area with a lot of rain.
Thirdly, make a hot meal. On cold days especially, a hot homemade meal can go a long way. So consider making meal and delivering them to those living outdoors. Make a couple sandwiches before you go out to pass out along the way. If you go to a restaurant, consider getting something to go before you leave to bless someone with. Don’t forget utensils and napkins. Another thing that’s simple is fast food gift cards, by a couple and keep them on you to give away.
There are really so many things you can do, and if each one of us did one thing it could absolutely change the world. Don’t let despair steal your ability to enrich other people’s lives. It’s been a hard time for everyone but there is hope and when we come together, anything is possible.
I would love to hear any other ideas you may have or things you’ve done in the past to help others, especially in the rain or cold.
Let’s go change the world!