God loves NYC

Peace is not stationary – it is now mobile.

As some of you may know, we are moving to New York City in a few days. Here is how it began, Alex was at the last half of second year ministry school and mission trip sign ups were happening, He felt the Lord say if you go to NYC, I’ll have a gift for you at the end of it. Fast forward to March of this year and I was invited to come as a volunteer – we were both on our way to minister to New York City. There were many prophetic words for the trip, but the word “harvest” was one that really took root in our hearts, it carried weight. We experienced first-hand how hungry the people of New York City were for real love. 

We fell in love with New York City and the people there, and of course I uttered the famous last words – “I am in love with this city, but I would hate to live here.” When we returned, my friend who lives in Manhattan was telling me about a dream she had where she saw her and I setting up a ministry school in NY, there were many other things in her dream that would later confirm what the Lord was about to tell us. Truthfully, I thought nothing of it at the time except that it was a really cool dream.  Two days later at date night, Alex shares with me that the Lord told him “Prepare, I’m sending you to NYC”. So, then I shared with him my friends dream and we knew, this was the Lord inviting us to something.

We knew right away it was for ministry and we immediately gave God our yes. Some might say, we got out ‘marching orders’, but that makes God sound like a harsh militant God. We know God to be a good, kind and loving God. No, He did not order us to NYC – He invited us. In His goodness He invited us on an adventure and we *get* to go and partner with Him on this mission.

Shortly after receiving the invitation, we were given numerous words of confirmation – half of which were specifically for Ali – the first being that God has something uniquely special just for Ali in New York City. God chose NYC for our family not just because of His heart for the people of the city, but because He also has set Ali apart for this city. I know some say we are crazy for taking our teenage daughter to New York. If I relied on my own understanding, never in a thousand years would I make that choice But God. I trust Him and His goodness and I’ve learned to stand on His promises as Yes and Amen. After hearing what the Lord had for Ali, I was all in. 

Alex was stoked, Ali was very excited, but my heart took much longer to catch up. Yes, I was committed to going. No, I was not excited. I was scared, I had grown comfortable. I love Redding, I love our home. I love our people. But the beauty is, none of those things go away, it will look different – absolutely. Yet, I lose nothing and gain everything by partnering with Jesus and His dream. Shortly after our decision I had a really hard day reconciling our move in my heart and I cried out God to speak to me and give me comfort and peace regarding our move. He led me to Isaiah 54:11-14 “Afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted, I will rebuild you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with sapphires, construct your towers with rubies, your gates with jewels, and all your walls with precious stones. All your children will have God for their teacher – what a mentor for your children! You’ll be built solid, grounded in righteousness, far from any trouble – nothing to fear! Far from terror – it won’t even come close!”

Even as I write this newsletter, ‘Come Away’ by Jesus Culture just came on Pandora. “Come away with me, it’s never too late, I have a plan for you, It’s gonna be wild, it’s gonna be great, it’s gonna be full of me”. I’ve never lived through a season where I’ve heard God more. He has a history of being faithful so when He invites us to turn our lives upside down to become missionaries in NYC for who knows how long we respond with a resounding YES!

We don’t know what He’s going to do, but we know it’s gonna be good and we wouldn’t miss it for the world. I think of Nicodemus, He stayed behind and chose comfort over leaving it all behind to follow Jesus yet Jesus still called Him friend. In His goodness I can confidently say even if we didn’t go, we would still be called friends of God. We are honored to be called among many others who have also felt the pull to go and minister in NYC. Our sails are up and we are catching the wind all the way to the east coast for an epic journey with the Lord. Stay tuned – It’s gonna be wild, it’s gonna be great, it’s gonna be full of Holy Spirit.

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:37